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AustraliaOne Party
Our Best Future

News You Don't See Unless You Look

AustraliaOne does not support, condone, authorise or validate any and all reports, documents, stories or interviews that you may see on any of the sites below.

AustraliaOne believes very strongly that there is ONE race – the human race – with variations of genetics, cultures, melanin content and language that define and hold a community and its people together; and while we support all, we believe in the rights of individuals to be held to account personally for any harm affected upon another… so please don’t start ‘race-baiting’, gender-thrashing or supporting the demise of one culture over another… as you will be blocked and or removed.

We The People must grow up and stop playing the games of those who seek to divide and remove us from this Earth.

All our love, from AustraliaOnewhose people have chosen to become or were born proud Australian citizens – who may have personally hailed from across our oceans or who have been born here and who, but for the grace of their ancestors decisions, are part Aboriginal, Italian, Scandinavian, German, Irish, Scottish, Austrian, Croatian, Balkans, Maltese, British, American, French, Lebanese …, i.e. We The People are culturally diverse.

Constitution Watch
 Australian Vaccination-risks Network Inc.
 The Glossa Channel with Australian Dr Judy Wilyman
 Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
 America’s Frontline Doctors
 One America News Network (OAN)
 Epoch Times Australia
 Gateway Pundit
 Cairns News
 SGT Report
 Kangaroo Court of Australia
 Natural News